Hello internet lurkers, and welcome to my new website. Taking the massive (and scary) step to open a website, share my writing, and create an online presence has been years in the planning. I’m about to finish my MA in Creative Writing at Bar Ilan University, which involves writing a novel, “The Golems of Prague”. The rough draft is with my advisor, Professor Michael Kramer right now. Ensuring my historical fantasy novel set in 1939 Prague lives up to rigorous academic standards is nerve-wracking and I hope to pass this trial with a good manuscript to start showing to agents and publishers. This blog will share my journey on the path to sharing my writing with the world.
The first milestone I’d like to share with you is getting five honorable mentions in Writers of the Future: https://www.writersofthefuture.com/
This is a free writing contest for new authors which helps build confidence. The fact that it is owned and run by Scientology is a bit odd but hey, it’s a religion literally invented by a genre author, L. Ron Hubbard, so it makes a twisted kind of sense.
And there are some great professionals working there like David Farland. I read his amazing Runelords series two decades ago and got to attend a writing workshop with him in England a few years ago.
A sharp and clever teacher with some great material, much of it free, on his author services and education website: https://mystorydoctor.com/
Check out his books on his personal website: https://davidfarland.com/
I’ll share more about my journey in future posts.
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